Angela Ratay
for Secretary
It’s time to elect your new PHMS student council members.
Whom should you choose?
Vote Angela Ratay for Secretary, because I’m…
Super Helpful.

Student Council Needs Help
Student council handles many issues. They’ll waste time and energy if they’re disorganized. Then nothing will get done. This can happen when:
Angela Will Help Them
Student council secretary takes care of stuff that sounds really boring to most people. However, a good secretary can make everything run smoothly. I’ll help to:
My name, Angela, literally means “helper”.
I’m running for student secretary, not just to help student council, but also to help you.
You Need Representation
Student council doesn’t exist just to plan events. It should represent the students too. Do you have a problem or suggestion that’s relevant to the things they handle? Then they should listen and consider what you say.
They only represent you if they ask what you think.
They only represent you if they stand up for you.
Angela Will Help You
Working on student council means working as a team. I can do that. If you elect me, though, part of my job will be to stand up for you.
Many people feel uneasy about to speaking up. Will such a person support your ideas or try to convince council members to support them? I will.
We’re all just students. Your ideas are as important as mine or anybody else’s. You need a friend on the student council who will work for you. That’s me, Angela Ratay!